Consulting Parties Meeting #1

On April 19, 2021, the North DuSable Lake Shore Drive project team held the first Consulting Parties meeting as a part of the Section 106 process for compliance with the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA). This meeting was held virtually through the online webinar platform, Zoom, to respect current public health and safety guidance related to the COVID-19 pandemic. The meeting was held from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.

The meeting began with an overview of the federal reviews being conducted as a part of the study followed by a more in-depth examination of the Section 106 process and the expected role of the attending Consulting Parties. The project team then provided an overview history of Lake Shore Drive and Lincoln Park.

The project team moved to discussing maps of the draft Area of Potential Effects (APE) limits and historic resources evaluated in the draft Historic Properties Identification (HPI) report. An overview of the contents within the draft HPI was also provided. The Consulting Parties were requested to provide input on the draft APE and draft HPI during the meeting and were given the opportunity to provide comments after the meeting. The Consulting Parties were then provided information on the various ways to provide input on the draft APE and HPI and the next steps as a part of the Section 106 Process.

The meeting included an opportunity for active participation where Consulting Parties were encouraged to provide input using the Zoom chat function or verbally. There was one designated question-and-answer period following the presentation during which the project team directly responded to Consulting Party members’ feedback.

Total Consulting Parties Attendance – 16
Comments and feedback from Consulting Parties were collected through May 3, 2021.