IDOT CDOT Chicago Park District

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: Who is the lead agency for this project?
A: This project is being led by the Illinois Department of Transportation in cooperation with the Chicago Department of Transportation.

Q: What is Context Sensitive Solutions?
A: Context Sensitive Solutions is an interdisciplinary approach to project development with the goal of seeking effective, multi-modal transportation solutions by working with stakeholders to develop, build, and maintains cost effective transportation facilities which fit into the project's surroundings - its "context". Consideration will be given to preserving scenic, aesthetic, historic, and environmental resources while maintaining and enhancing safety and mobility. Residents, business leaders, and local representatives among others, will have the opportunity to be engaged in the study through public meetings, task forces and the Corridor Planning Committee. For more information on IDOT's Context Sensitive Solutions guidelines, please visit the IDOT website for CSS.

Q: What does Phase I, Phase II and Phase III mean?
A: Any transportation project involving the potential use of Federal funds must follow a project development process consisting of three phases: Phase I or Preliminary Engineering, defines transportation needs, identifies and evaluates alternatives and selects a preferred alternative. This process is accomplished through extensive stakeholder involvement and technical analysis.

Phase II Engineering consists of the preparation of detailed Contract Plans & Specifications along with Right-of-Way Acquisition.

Phase III is the physical construction of the project.

Q: How is this project being funded?
A: Phase I Engineering for the North DuSable Lake Shore Drive Project is being funded by Governor Quinn's Illinois Jobs Now Program. Phases II and III are not currently included in IDOT's FY 2023-2028 Proposed Highway Improvement Program.

Q: When will construction start?
A: It is anticipated that a preferred alternative will be selected in approximately 2 years and the completion of Phase I Engineering in about 3 years. This will be followed by Phase II engineering. Construction would only begin after both phases are complete and funding has been secured. Phases II and III are not currently included in IDOT's FY 2023-2028 Proposed Highway Improvement Program.