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Public Meeting #1

What We Heard - Public Meetings Round #1

Over 430 members of the public attended one of three public meetings held at Gill Park, Truman College and the Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum on August 6, 7, and 8, 2013. During the meetings, people watched a PowerPoint presentation, filled out comment forms, shared what they enjoy most about the drive and their ideas for improvements. More than 300 public comments in various formats were received.

See below to view what people told us:

Responses to Public Comments and Questions

Written questions and comments regarding the North DuSable Lake Shore Drive Phase I Study were submitted by individuals and groups from throughout the Chicago region at the project's public meetings held August 6, 7 and 8 at Gill Park, Truman College and Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum respectively. In addition, public comments and questions were submitted directly to the project team via e-mail, the website's electronic comment form and postal mail through August 30, 2013.

All of the questions and comments have been collected and compiled to provide a comprehensive review of the topics raised along with project team's responses.

Information Activity Responses

When participants entered the meeting they were asked to self-describe what activities they partake in on or near North DuSable Lake Shore Drive. A total of 295 activity cards were completed. 70% of people indicated that they are automobile drivers on North DuSable Lake Shore Drive, while 60% also use the bus. 60% of respondents noted that they are bicyclists as well as 55% being pedestrians in the study area. Other popular activities include jogging, rollerblading, bird watching, going to the beaches, and attending special events.

View all of the activity card results below.

Postcards from the Drive

Participants were given the opportunity to tell us what they like about the Drive, the Lakefront Trail and Lincoln Park by sending a Postcard from the Drive. In all, we received 150 postcards. Comments included, "My favorite part is taking the bus in the morning and seeing the lake," "I use the drive to access the park, especially Marovitz golf course and to commute to work on most days," "I like bike riding around Lake Shore Drive," "the view of the sun rising up over the lake is spectacular," and "the drive is the quickest way to get around town."

To view all of Postcards from the Drive, click the links below.

Aerial maps of the study area were displayed and participants were encouraged to mark up each map to identify critical safety issues, congestion hot spots, transit needs, park access and circulation needs as well as locations of sensitive cultural or historic locations.

Just a few of the areas of concerns included safety along the Oak Streets Curve, congestion at the Belmont Avenue junction, conflicts between pedestrians, cyclists and drivers at choke points along the Lakefront Trail, the condition of the pedestrian underpasses and the desire for Bus Rapid Transit or light rail.

View all of the needs assessment feedback below.

Gill Park

Truman College

Peggy Notebart Nature Museum

After identifying problems along the project corridor, participants were asked to share their ideas on how to improve Lake Shore Drive by writing them on a whiteboard and having their picture taken near a photo of the lakefront trail or NDLSD underpass. Eighty people shared ideas ranging from "separate bikes and pedestrians," to "retain landscaped medians" to "get rid of cement and add a boardwalk."

View the photo gallery of ideas here.

Participants were also provided Comment Forms were they could share any idea, thought or comment with the project team. Over 150 comment forms were received at the three public meetings. To view all of the Comment Forms received at the public meetings, clink the link below

Additional comments have been received via email and website comment forms. Any comment responses will be posted to the website. Meeting participants will be notified once the responses are posted.

If you are still interested in commenting on the North DuSable Lake Shore Drive project you can submit your comment here.

Materials presented at the first round of Public Meetings can be found below:

Like us at Facebook and twitter for additional meeting information.

This meeting will be accessible to handicapped individuals. Anyone needing special assistance should contact [email protected] or (312) 561-3140. Persons planning to attend who will need a sign language interpreter or other similar accommodations should notify the Department's TTY/TTD number (800) 526-0844/or 711; TTY users (Spanish) (800) 501-0864/or 711; and Telebraille (877) 526-6670 at least five (5) days prior to the meeting.

View Public Meeting #2 Materials
View Public Meeting #3 Materials
View Public Input Opportunity Materials